
What you can do to fiefp keey our waters crean!

and'Me! Keep pollution out of our waters

How you can help...

If you suspect discharge or spi ll is hazardous, call 911 ! For all other discharges, spills and illegal dumping, do one of the following: Call the local enity responsible for the stormwater system. (A reporting list may be found at

Only stormwater belongs in a storm drain

These are some of the things that should not be discharged to or placed in a stormwater system: • Leaves or grass clipping •Wash water with detergents • Fertillizers, herbicides, or pesticides • Paints, oils, or solvents •Sediment or debris

Call the FDEP Environmental Crimes toll -free number 1-877-2-SAVE-FLA (1-877-272-8335) or #DEP from your cellular phone. Know the Flow

Reporting Illegal Dumping and Illicit Dischagers

N i hb h d Tertiary Drainage System What path does stonn water typically follow from your neighborhood to its final destination?

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!:" I FNe lnclles of rain falls In 24 hcus CNer an Inland community. This rain follows awet period, so110llldwater leYBls are aln!ady lutL According to most iipproYed drainage desqls, somewater Is temporarily stored In publtc recrMtlonaJ areas, yard swales llld streets. The elll:8SS "au1ace water" slowly aalos to rommunlty lakes/oo-slle ponds via street and Ycl'll drailageQBtes or cutvert3 and/or via swales, ditches or canals. water then dl'llils from the community or "IBrtWY" system through lllder(1Wld p~ ID the ' sec;ond;rf" system, usually operated by a special taxing district or the COlllt'//clty. Malntelllll1C8 and l4Jkeep of community dl'llilage facilities Is typlcalty the responslillty ofhomeo- assodi!llons.


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